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type here if you have a tongue


Saturday, April 19, 2008

10 more days to MYE

ALLLLL the best people! Mug for this short period and play hard after all these stress! :X

Prophet Lim says"
XJ is going to flunk her geography and part of her chem."

HELP! i think i need a study partner

Recently ive been hopelessly reaching,
out for this girl and out of this world.

Learn her PAST .
9:18 PM

Friday, April 18, 2008

Repaying a kindness

I plunged my body down on the scorching concrete tiles and made a tiny jump before retiring my restless limps. I squinted my eyes like tattered shades on working rollers and looked up to the sun in excruciating pain.

Where should I put up today, I ranted. Having to be driven out of the flat 3 days ago, I was given no food, except only that I had just grubbed carelessly discarded food from the bin in the playing field couple of hours ago. Digestive juices gnawed my stomach, which generated a rather long protesting growl and brought agony to life.

Dread soon overshadowed starvation as no animal on two feet, like the one who had taken care of me, was in sight. I endeavored to keep my bleary shades unlatched as I scrutinized for my next master. My level of confidence pretty much sunk two hours later as I eventually clung onto only a tinge of hope. Like hallucination, I fell deep asleep while my stomach rumbled.

I had felt myself to be ascended from the ground and was tightly held onto but took no actions as nothing was as crucial as adequate sleep and to break away from the brink of intolerable hunger. The guy might give me some food, I thought.

The painful glare of the artificial lights awoke me as I gently split open my eyes and lumbered on my fours. Visual disability first overtook me as my eyes struggled to accommodate with the blinding lights. I rubbed my eyes vigorously as I was eager to find out where I was. Finding myself to be in a basket lined with soft and woolly sheets, curiosity began to ooze out like the leakage of a broken tap and I stepped out of my boundary. The room was relatively spacious and a teen had settled in a bulky armchair. On his lap, a screen no thicker than a book blinked furiously as he tapped on the device. The pages zoomed past like rockets as the teen glued his eye on the monitor. Boy, that disloyal brat who had chased me out surely did not have this, I thought.

I examined the area meticulously and was wary to totter across the room on tiptoes. An old-fashioned looking coffee table took a place before the television, and it was surrounded by contrasting taste of sleek modern convertible couch, which was eventually ruined by a handful of garbage on it. The balcony was decorated with cheerful velvety curtains with soft, silky----

With a swift move, my new master scooped me into his arms. I become petrified as I scuffled for emancipation helplessly. He stroked my fur gently and caressed my sensitive ears. Longed for that, I advocated tender patting and nerves-calming massages on the ear. I winced blissfully as I was pampered by delicate fingers. Instanteously, I liked him. Deprived misery finally ended when my master served me a spread of dog food and some milk. After that, he gave me a clean scrub.

In accompaniment by my new acquaintance, we shared our deepest sorrows and so were our joy. I was named after his favourite basketball player, Shaggy. Being language-challenged, I secretively named him after my idolized basketball player, Paul the great. Paul was like any fantastic international basketball player you could spot on television in those days and had passed on to me a couple of ball techniques.

Like what all mutual friends do, I always gave a listening ear whenever Paul divulged his part of miserable sadness and he fondled my ears when it was my turn. At night, we often slept in each other’s embrace until the breakthrough of the hateful daylight.

One day, I was caught in a tragic car accident when picking up Paul’s favourite basketball. The car skidded and had crashed into me before the driver could react to halt his vehicle.

The last words of Paul still kicked vividly in my mind: “Shaggy! Look out for the ----“Before he could even finish his sentence, I was thrown about 5 feet away. My vision and hearing sensitivity blurred as my heart burnt unbearably. My body engulfed with wounds and blood. I gave out howls of pain as I heard heavy imminent footsteps. Paul looked at me anxiously with torrents of tear smearing his face.

Images of our memories instantly flashed across my mind like a soundless short film…

He had brought me up ever since I was abandoned and had ever since lavished me with care. We shared the joy of closest intimacy by sharing the same bed, secrets and human food. My life was his the moment he picked me up from the streets, and my destiny descended upon his responsibility the moment I was taken in. For me, he fought against his mother just to keep an unwanted dog. For me, he set aside precious time to minimize my loneliness. For him, I was willing to sacrifice my life. For him, I was prepared to guide him through his life until the day I ceased…

I gasped for more breath and I clung on to the intolerable pain. The pain in my leg throbbed so agonizingly that I was almost brought to tears. He wrapped his arms carefully around my body without touching my cuts and lifted me up cautiously. In comfort of Paul, I attempted to kick forcefully to display obvious signs that I was still alive but it only aggravated my wound. I concentrated on breathing properly instead.

One, two, three. Two, two, three…

Learn her PAST .
8:08 AM

Friday, April 11, 2008

Love song

Gawd this song reminds me of the times with R-achel, X-inzhi and S-herlyn!
Dedicating this to all three
Head under water,
And they tell me to breathe easy for a while.
The breathing gets harder, even I know that.

You made room for me but it’s too
soon to see,
If I’m happy in your hands.
I’m unusually hard to hold on to.

Blank stares at blank pages.
No easy way to say this.
You mean well, but you make this hard
on me.

I'm not gonna write you a love song,
'Cause you asked for it,
'Cause you need one, you see.
I'm not gonna write you a love song,
'Cause you tell me it's,
Make or breaking this.
If you’re on your way,
I'm not gonna write you to stay.
If all you have is leaving,
I’m gonna need a better reason to write
you a love song today.

I learned the hard way,
That they all say things you want to hear
My heavy heart sinks deep down under you
And your twisted words, your help
just hurts
You are not what I thought you were.
Hello to high and dry.

Convinced me to please you.
Made me think that I need this too.
I’m trying to let you hear me as I am.

I'm not gonna write you a love song,
'Cause you asked for it,
'Cause you need one, you see.
I'm not gonna write you a love song,
'Cause you tell me it's,
Make or breaking this.
If you’re on your way,
I'm not gonna write you to stay.
If all you have is leaving,
I’m gonna need a better reason to write you
a love song today.

Promise me you'll leave the light on,
To help me see with daylight, my guide,
'Cause I believe there's a way you can love
me because I say,

I won't write you a love song,
'Cause you asked for it,
'Cause you need one you see.
I'm not gonna write you a love song,
'Cause you tell me it's make or breaking
Is that why you wanted a love song,
'Cause you asked for it,
'Cause you need one you see.
I’m not gonna write you a love song,
'Cause you tell me it's make or breaking
If you’re on your way,
I’m not gonna write you to stay.
If your heart is nowhere in it,
I don’t want it for a minute.
Babe, I’ll walk the seven seas when I
believe that there's a reason to,
Write you a love song today.

Learn her PAST .
7:28 AM

im currently having a hard thinking about what to write for my essay, as much encouraging as this is, it is due tomorrow morning! I am really running out of ideas. rushing through a piece of last-minute assignment is not going to get any kind of decent grades i must say. tiring week i had today. almost broke my record of 8 remedials( well it's already broken! ) i have wanted to post my essay up too but definitely not something incomplete. no one would even read it gosh but just let me try this
The box it up technique!
does it work?
BLAHBLAH this is just plain probing!
it better work

Learn her PAST .
7:18 AM

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

English paper was a fairly disappointing one. The summary was a wreck and had no time to do any sort of checking and i practically shot through the papers like bullets of the revolver. Social studies was also another heart-racing subject, which almost blew my brains off because i handed the sheets in only after 7:13 sharp. I divulged the truth and was penalized and took me an hour's time to make things clear. well, apart from all these, school today was unmistakably enjoyable if you are not convinced, probably a 3 straight heart thrilling remedials would enlighten any one reading how much time we spent in school. SPLENDID!

the atoms have lost their kinetic energy and now it is down to dominant mood

Learn her PAST .
8:20 AM

Monday, April 7, 2008

i havent been an avid blogger lately
i'm pleased with myself
5 tests a week had really drained my brain juices
i cant believe im posting at this time
i usually plunge into bed at this time
but really have no idea what has gotten into me to have driven me to do thisss
(not CRAP!)
awesome post!
let's play time back!!
seniors stepped down last friday
alto is now crushing like deflated balloon
and soon with be done over with
i really hope to do this well but wishes do not come true (usually)
maybe if you drop a nickel into the pool of a fountain
in Mexico? Spain will be nice!
:D lalala
yet again another illusion of mine
but ILLUSIONS aspire people to break new records which they have never thought of
am i wrong?
be astounded but i have been to places of a couple of my understanding acquaintances
who im pleased to know they are kind enough to put up with my rather atrocious act of erroneous singing in accompaniment of a paradoxically wonderful piano
to be frank, it was good enough to cover my voice up
Thanks R-achel and Xz-inzhi!
Not to forget S-herlyn wheee :D
have been endeavouring hard enough to get most of my parts right
especially for gabeko izak
the change in majors was a total wreck for me
hopefully W-ilson doesnt blow his tops again
ALTO! what should i do?
maybe maybe i shoould just get help from L-iming and L-ingying
they rhyme!
Can rachel move over?!
Oh god! if you are watching this
please extend a helping hand to rescue a dying alto from imminent catastrophe!!
i will definitely need help from seniors!
I'm a truly useless brat! Who knows nothing!
i dont want to disappoint the seniors
i bet some CCAs are facing this
The world changes and so people have to go
truths are blinded from the ignorant by the person who has seemingly gave hopes
the seniors have to go
weeping for a record of an hour has impact on nothing by fruitless procrastination
let things go
WE shall hum in the same tune as we carry on with lives
WE make a come back to harmonize and to share precious experiences in absence of another
WE make belief.

KAISHI's birthday is approaching
everything seem to be in the way.
firstly, no one would be magnanimous enough to engage themselves in a deed of good
by letting me to turn their kitchens upside down
for a cake
no one wants to share costs for her present, mainly because it is outrageously overpriced and close to a dementing highway robbery
I NEED MORE TIME THAN THAT to prepare for her bday
i am now meticulously plucking time out at the expense of my studying time
i have a couple of fantastic ideas but all need time!
can i buy time? LOL
(handful of crisp notes here)
i am currently neurotic.
(click here to hear me holler my head off)

where is my knight in shiny armour?
(gleaming fibrous armour under the glaring sunbeam like little explosives, he reaches for his 'what do you can that thing that wraps around his head for protection?" blahblahblah ANWAY!)

Learn her PAST .
7:59 AM

Friday, March 14, 2008

it has been exactly 3 weeks ever since i last posted
honestly, this post is purely meant for the entertainment of a friend.
Nah shall not tell you
She should know herself
buried deep down in my heart

things havent been running as smoothly as i thought
Life isnt a bowl of cherries

(i love cherries)
my grade for english was appalling enough for jaws to drop
you heard it right.
almost a failing grade
(really wonder how is this going to entertain my bud.)

March hols are coming to an end!
back to the battlefield.
(speaking no much of zeal here-apathy
seems like all the groups are rushing their physics projects nw
comes to thinking: Whr is Xinsi now?
Doesnt matter!
as long as she tries her best to make it home and compiles everything before
cinderella descends to her tattered clothes
(probably ripped out by her unscrupulous sisters of hers)

it's 11:59pm
No one can blame her
she has enough things to handle i guess
ive confidence in her. -unexplainable

having chunks of homework left undone
and i got tuition tmr!
sleepy classes
drowsy and Drop
better turn in soon
try my best to unlatch the bleary eyes of mine
OH no
its going to shut soon

you wouldnt believe this
xinsi and i just went through the most intense period
we rushed our lives just to upload the physics file
i was reaching out for breath
she couldnt find the bar to upload the report
it was exactly 12:56
(my comp hanged just as i was about to type on)
and that was exactly when S-sherlyn nudge my screen out
Back to the story...
we were gasping for time
the clock ticked and seconds were drained carelessly
I slammed the computer desk hard while precious time flew out with the popping up of VIRUS SCANNING FOR FILE
that i bet was the silliest thing anyone would ever need
if it's going to be in my list
definitely the last
Who Needs It Anyway!
it is just a programme meant for simpletons
incredibly imbecilic excuse for handing in reports late
the screen flashed 11:58pm as it sets my adrenaline pumping
i almost fell ap
the file was finally ready for upload
i hit the upload button and i was deferred to another page
it read unable to...
i was too anxious to remember the words clearly
but it should be along those lines i guess
is the file size too big to be uploaded?
is there something wrong with the screen?
is the com. down?
i unawarely ranted
second later,' your file has successfully been uploaded'
it displays
my heart continued its regular pumping, my blood seemed to have got back its signals that was so dreadful seconds ago
,and has got back to the liquid mode.
Xs and i were over the moon!
Life is the best when miracles happen on you,


alright so much for the day
tune in again
just that i dont know when

and i have decided to give up on the vocab that.
pretty ridiculous
BUT it helps right?
guess so

Learn her PAST .
8:26 AM